Founded in November 2011 by Dr. Martine CAROFF, well-known head of research in the endotoxin structural analysis domain and Dr. Jean Marc CAVAILLON former president of the "International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society” (1998-2000), LPS-BioSciences is a Young French Innovative Company focusing on research, development and commercialization of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides, LPS) related products and customized services.



Everything started 50 years ago with the creation of a CNRS reasearch team  at Paris Sud University with the goal to study and explore endotoxins' structures and break the secrets of their biological activities.

During 40 years of research in this university, Dr. Martine CAROFF developed a great know-how on endotoxins' extraction and structural analysis.

LPS-BioSciences is based on an innovative proprietary technology of LPS extraction developed by Dr. Martine CAROFF and patented by the University Paris Sud.


1965 CNRS LPS-Research Team was founded
1977 Research on Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPL A)
1980 Collaboration with Institut Pasteur and INSERM for biological activities
   1982 collaboration with NRC (Cannada)
   1990 1rst Native LPS Mass Spectra
   2003 Extraction method patented
  2008 Concours National OSEO Emergence Laureate 
   2011 Concours National OSEO Créadev Laureate
  2011 Nov. LPS-BioSciences was founded 
2011 Dec.   1rst contract in Cosmetics
2012 March   1rst contract in human Health
2012 Sept.   1rst contract in Animal Health 
2015 Jan.   FUI Grant and Diagnostic activity launch