Analytics & Characterization

A range of services designed for vaccine and diagnostics companies willing to select the best antigen for their product development.

LPS-BioSciences continuously improves methods of Endotoxins characterization using Mass Spectrometry and makes you benefit from 40 years of experience in structures to biological activities studies.

We provide the following custom services and adapt our methods to your needs:


LPS-PAGE: On demand SDS-PAGE profiles of your LPS

  • Applications: Academic research or publication
  • Improved quality: Best gel and solvants selection for improved profiles and figures
  • Easy and quick : Less than 1 week
  • Adapted to your need: Choice of various LPS standards to compare to your LPS
  • Benefit: A rapid way of getting access to LPS profiles on gel for publication





First-LPS: First characterization of your LPS using Mass Spectrometry

  • Applications: Academic publication or industrial regulatory issue
  • Improved quality: Improved characterization methods for best result of LPS characterization within various matrices.
  • Easy and quick : Less than 4 week
  • Adapted to your need: Choice of various LPS standards to compare to your LPS
  • Benefit: A rapid way of getting access to LPS characterization and valued structural information (LPS profile, Lipid A profile, number of fatty acids, Polysaccharide profile)



Target-LPS: Antigen screening and selection using Mass Spectrometry

  • Applications: Vaccine and Diagnostic Industrial Research & Development
  • Improved quality: Comparison of various culture strains for best selection of your antigen candidate and improved antigenic or selectivity results
  • Delay : 10 strains in less than 4 week
  • Adapted to your need: Possibility of screening various serotypes or culture conditions depending on your need
  • Benefits:
    • Lead selection of best candidates between several strain structures
    • identification of specific antigen's structures for Diagnostic development
    • Identification of common antigen’s structures from different bacterial strains


Contact us for a customized price quote.



Ident-LPS: Antigen characterization and validation using Mass Spectrometry

  • Applications: Vaccine and Diagnostic Industrial Research & Development
  • Improved quality: Structural validation of your antigens candidates for best quality results and validation of molecular species
  • Delay : Less than 6 week
  • Adapted to your need: Choice of various LPS standards and serotypes to compare to your antigen
  • Benefits:
    • Structural validation of your antigen candidate for vaccine development compared to typical serotypes and various culture conditions
    • Valued structural information on the LPS from your specific strains with Mechanistic understanding of its implied biological activities
    • Process quality improvement by validating or increasing the presence of specific LPS molecular species


Contact us for a customized price quote.


Dr. Jean-Marc Ghigo, Head of a Research Unit at
Institut Pasteur

"Our decision to collaborate with LPS-Biosciences proved to be a turning point in one of our project. Besides the quality of the analyses expected from true LPS experts, our interactions with their team is smooth, efficient, flexible and their reactivity is perfectly suited to our research needs. "